Thursday, November 28, 2013

Why I'm Thankful

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

On this awesome holiday, I wanted to take a second to thank each and every one of you for your support.  You've helped me make my company into more than I EVER thought it would be!  I always expected to do maybe 10-15 weddings in a year, always be solo, and just have a nice small following.  But 2013 marked our best year yet - 31 weddings, 2 events, 2 planners and 4 interns!!  I had NO idea that my company held this kind of potential, but now that I know it does - I'm RUNNING with it!  Let's keep going and make 2014 even BETTER!

Like everyone else, I look forward to this Holiday as a reminder to be thankful for what I have.  So here it is, here's what I have that I am most thankful for…

- My awesome, supportive, loving husband who is always ready to help out (even if it means being my assistant on New Years…) and more than ready to step up and take solo care of our children Every. Single. Summer. Weekend.
- My beautiful, rambunctious, loving daughters.  They keep me on my toes, keep my world in line, and make me want to strive to do better every day.
- Yes, even my two crazy black labs… Let's face it - they were our first "children" and will also hold special places in my heart.
 - Nicole.  Without Nicole, my company wouldn't be what it is today.  She was my first intern, my first side kick, and my first official employee.  She does AMAZING work and I'm hoping to hold onto her for the rest of her life. :)
- Our Interns - all 4 of them did awesome this past year.  They made Nicole and my jobs easier - and kept us company during long setups, long drives, and even longer weddings.
- YOU!  Like I said, our fans and our support system is why we do what we do - and we couldn't be successful without you!
- Coffee.  I don't even need to go into detail on this one - most of you understand (especially if you're a mother).

This list goes on and on and on… but I'm not honestly sure how many of you are actually reading it on Thanksgiving but go back to EATING and thanks for sparing some of your time.  That, and the fact that my "littlest" blessing is now getting up from nap, means it's time to sign off and get some good food myself!

So again, HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone - let's make it the best one yet!!

~ jennie ~

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